Life is the inhale, art is the exhale. Breathe.

Jordan Queior, JQ Labs

For Creators and Business Builders


I use JQ Labs to:

  • Share exercises, prompts, and guides to help you build and launch your creative projects and heart-centered offers

  • Help you integrate AI into your workflow - save time and money

  • Share expressive art exercises to help you along the entrepreneurial journey

  • Blog about the creative process and building an online business

Resources for Creators

Exercises, prompts, and guides to help you:

  • Integrate new tools (like artificial intelligence) into your workflow

  • Align your creative energy with your mission

  • Generate new ideas and creative solutions

  • Leverage FUN practices that boost creativity (and productivity!)

  • Write and publish your work more consistently

Expressive Art Exercises

Inspired by art therapy, creative visualization, psychology, and right-brain business planning:

  • I pick a challenge in the creator’s journey.

  • I workshop a solution using creative approaches.

  • I research and experiment with interdisciplinary creative modalities.

  • I apply it to my own projects.

  • I tweak until the exercise facilitates a desired solution in the most impactful, effective way.

Art Expressives help creators apply right-brain techniques to find clarity, inspiration, meaning, and solutions along the entrepreneurial journey.



I write about:

  • My creative process and building a creative business

  • Integrating AI into my workflow

  • Learnings from designing exercises and resources for creators

  • Insights from creative projects and experiments

  • My goals for artistic development and takeaways from what I’m learning


Work Ethos & Trajectory

I believe:

  • Art helps us articulate what words alone can’t express

  • Self-expression is important for self-actualization

  • Art-making doesn’t require artistic training

  • Focusing on the creative practice, not the result, yields richer fruit


1) Create Consistently for Creators 2) Experiment and Build Valued Resources 3) Iterate & Repeat!

Art is a way of knowing what we actually believe.
— Pat B. Allen



  • Grant writer (JFCS, Sarasota Ballet)

  • Ad account manager (Integraclick)

  • Client strategist, content writer, web merchandising (Gray Swan Solutions, Gap)

  • Technical project manager, social media strategist (Ning, Glam Media)

  • Personal fitness trainer (Body Kinetics)


  • Technical recruiter & team lead (The Sourcery)

  • Freelance writer

  • Career coach (founded Holistic Career Design)

  • Indie creator, - Educational products for creators (currently)

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Science, Legal Studies

  • AS, Psychology & Biochemistry

  • ICF Certified Coach

Areas of Study:

  • Nutrition, Fitness Training, Biochemistry

  • Psychology, Coaching, Career Development

  • Art & Creativity Therapy, Creative Modalities, Online Business

  • Artificial Intelligence, Workflow Design